Dr. Richard E. Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2
Richard Miller is a man full of excellent ideas. He mentioned a lot of great points in his video.One of the main things he elaborated on was the changes of how we write.He offers very useful tips that can be used in the classroom.He makes a point to address how today's writing has really changed. We have evolved from using paper and pencils to now using the computer. He also mentions how communication with someone way away for example, like on another side of the world is now possible.I really liked this statement where Dr. Millers said "that Ideas don't belong to us individually, but belong to us as a culture." This is so true because everything we write or share on the web is available to anyone anywhere.Technology allows us to share our opinions and knowledge on things and then team up with others and discuss the topics in more depth.I think that all educators should take a little time and freely give some useful tips and information on the web to help out other teachers or students. I don't think that I am ready to write with multimedia yet. Although, one day I hope to be fully equip and have a lot more knowledge of this and hopefully be able to use this in my classroom. I would love for my future students to gain knowledge of this technology.
Another statement that also caught my attention was "technology is an incremental change, not a fundamental change." There are so many different types of technology being created everyday and they are all very beneficial and helping make things easier and simpler.The computer basically does it all for you these days. It will correct and fix grammar mistakes and basically you can search anything and everything, so there is really no need to step foot in libraries anymore. The internet is basically one giant library full of knowledge.
Carly Pugh Blog Post #12
Carly's blog post was very interesting and I really enjoyed reading it. She really took her time and really put in a lot of hard work an effort into that assignment.She was very informational on sharing her ideas and where they actually came from. She went into great depth on explaining the assignment that she assigned, which is a very helpful thing to do. She also gave an example of what the completed assignment should resemble.She explained how the use of multimedia can help expand and express feelings and knowledge. She really took pride in presenting herself as a very interesting and inspiring teacher of the new media.I believe teachers should be able to know and tell their students what they expect from them.All the videos she used throughout her post were great and i really enjoyed them all.
The Chipper Series/ EDM 310 For Dummies
Both of these videos were extremely funny. I really enjoyed watching them both. Yes they had a funny side to them, but they were also very inspirational as well.I have yet to experience some of the hard frustrating times that Chipper has experienced.These videos allow for the expression and different opinions that people have.I would enjoy making a video where I am acting out a book I have read. This video will help show my creativity and give my viewers a better understanding of the story.
The Chipper Series
EDM310 For Dummies
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
This video was amazing. I really liked how it mentioned that society needs to have an impact on education.It was extremely crazy to see how many people could care less about technology or even bother to be concerned with education. Technology should not be look at or viewed as a bad thing because it allows for tons of new things to happen and to help sty connected globally. Technology can provide the best quality in classrooms.To me the best learning is hands on and getting to actually experience it. Technology can help students learn to apply the facts they need to know instead of just memorizing them for the moment then forgetting them later down the road.
I think that all teachers and staff members should stay up to date on all the new technology and not be left behind. It is the job of the teachers to further their learning, so that they can teach what they have learned to the future students. If there are privacy settings and non school sites blocked, I think that there would be no problem in using technology for the students to learn.
Scavenger Hunt 2.0 by Justin Cometti
This activity was interesting and actually fun to create.It allows you to explore and learn different sites that will be useful in teaching. Its just a little time to actually complete.
Introductory Video
This website was created in 2008, when Nic Borg and Jeff O'Hara set out to create a tool that closes the gap between how students live their lives and how they learn in school. For this site ,Teachers and students are able to sign up and create a account for free. There is no premium membership offered to the site. Edmodo.com is recommended for all teachers.
Edmodo.com is a great site for teachers to help their students advance in all subjects. In this teachers put all their classes in groups. This tool allows the teacher to post grades, quizzes, homework and classroom assignments. The calendar provided can help teachers and students now when assignments are due and what events are coming up.The site even allows it where you can reach out and communicate with other teachers. Teachers are able to create discussions that all students are involved in. I really enjoyed this site.
This architectural visualization tool was created by Adam Fischer. This tool offers a license to students and teachers. People can create an account for free. Edu Enjoy subscription allows us to create our own presentations without having the Prezi logo watermarked on our presentation. Prezi can store up to 500mb of presentations.
This is basically how this tool works. Text, images and videos are placed on a canvas and can be grouped together in frames. Users decide the relative size and position of the presentations. People can pan and zoom in and between these objects. To create linear presentations, users can construct a prescribed navigation path.
This app lets teachers create videos for structural learning. There are three different packages to chose from the lite, plus or pro packages. The lite package is free, plus package is thirty dollars a year and pro is two hundred and forty dollars. Educators can apply for the plus package for free.
With this site any subject matter can be covered by using this tool. Educators have unlimited amounts of videos. This app will enhance the digital classroom and help bring the lessons to life.
Comic Strip
my comic
Kids' Vid
The site was by a professional videographer and instructor named Mike Keating.He developed a manual for integrating video into the classroom as part of his Master's thesis at Montana State University. This site offers teachers and students assistance in further and enchancing their learning through the power of digital media. This site provides the tools that teachers and students need to create a video production in the classrooms.This site provides the tools for students to create and show their work in a new, fun and exciting way. Kids' Vid is appropriate for all age groups. Kids' Vid creates a network of classrooms around the world that instigates joint productions. It has four sections scripting, editing, making, and showtime.
Creating a Poll
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work with your posts! However, you MUST add your ALT and TITLE modifiers. Please do that soon!
Rebekah Lloyd
I agree with you that the library is almost becoming extinct. Most times when I hear of someone going to the library, it is because they are going to use the computers. I do not if you were trying to post a comic strip or not, but it's not up. If you were you might want to check what's wrong because I sure was hoping to get to see everyone's comic.