Friday, April 20, 2012

Blog Post #12

Incorporating Creativity with Technology In Your Classroom
Pick one of these topics from Skype, Smart board,digital media, or story making and in one or two paragraphs tell how you would use this technology to incorporate creativity within your classroom. Smart Board Wins My Vote:) I really enjoy using the smart board. I think it is a very neat way to teach lessons in your classrooms. You have a wide variety of lessons to choose from and its really fun to be able to touch the board for everything. I Chose the smart board because we are doing a project with it and I really am enjoying to get learn about the different features it has to offer.I used the smart board when I did my pre-teaching with a kindergarten class this pass December.The kids were really involved and eager to participate in the assignments. The smart board offers so many things to choose from that will allow interesting and fun assignments to take place. While I was doing my pre-teaching they need songs, spelling games, days of the week. It was all so interesting and so much fun. I plan to use smart board for a great deal of learning assignments in my classroom. I plan to use the spelling games to help them with their words.I want to find sing along music that they can dance and sing to that relates to the subject being taught. Use math lessons that will allow them to circle the correct answers and write in problems for others to do. Find science lessons that have to do with plants, the environment,and human body. You can create lessons where they can learn their colors and shapes.I also would like to use matching games that will be fun and creative. The smart board just gives you so much room to help make your classroom more fun and exciting. I can not wait to become a teacher and have my own smart board. To be honest if I could afford one i would buy one for my home and start teaching my daughter lessons on the board. It really just gets me so excited to know that I will get to use this to make my classroom a fun,interesting, and exciting environment. Using the smart board you can let each student participate in the activities, which keep them focus and involved when in your class. You really have to capture and hold the attention of the kids. If you have never used smart board, you really need to try one out.


  1. Hey Joy,

    Good job! This is a good assignment because you gave choices for one to pick from. Again this is a good assignment!

    Stephen Akins

  2. Hi Joy.
    I agree with Stephen, good assignment. I think I would chose the smart board also. It is just so helpful in the classroom. I am very happy now that just about every classroom in the system has a one now. I can not wait to begin teaching and incorporating the smart board in my lessons. In your assignment, you had digital media and story making as a option, but don't you think that can be incorporated when using the smart board? I am sure that there are lessons where it can all be integrated together. Another good point you made was finding music to go along with certain lessons. I think that is great!! Relating music and videos through the smart board will enhance the students learning. Again, Great post.
